Suppliers, manufacuturers and trading companies - All parties need to optimise their logisitc

Suppliers – the basis of the value creation chain

supply pyramidThe Supplier pyramid – the structure of procurement logistics

No matter where you are in the supplier network, as a supplier of raw materials, components or a system integrator – the logistics processes are often similar.

Consequently the challenges and formulation of a solution are frequently similar. We examine all relevant factors, such as location, warehousing, personnel, automation, company internal and external transport.

Let us demonstrate where cost reductions can be made in supplier logistics. »

Manufacturers – the heart and lungs of our economy

manufactures - the heart and lungs of our eonomy

Is there potential for optimisation? Our SC analysis will show you where

As the producer of competitive goods, the creation of value is dependent on your qualified professionals and their high technological competencies.

To ensure that personnel and automation are deployed effectively, the flow of materials and goods within the production processes needs to be organised to perfection. Globalisation is spreading fast in our industry too and not just today; it will continue to intensify in the future.

You are pushed into reducing your production costs and increasing your output. Logistic optimisation of your processes, space savings and integration of suppliers are changes which are potentially valuable.

Have a look at our Solutions Section to discover how you can extract this potential – even better make an appointment for a personal meeting with us.

Retail & Distribution – Suppliers for Users

retail and distribution

Regional, national or worldwide - if you want to succeed - think globally.

Competition is fierce and the specifications of your customers are becoming more complex and elaborate. 

Your logistics expenditure increases accordingly – and you are expected to maintain a high degree of flexibility. Defend your prices by occupying specialist niches and operating without competitors.

Parking, loading frequency, commissioning, warehousing – optimisation potential is hidden at every stage of the chain. We can show you where.

Find out how to organise your processes as efficiently as possible in the Consultancy Section under simulation or by meeting us at your site.

Finance Sector – Transfer logistics, Banking, Risk Management, Insurance


Transparent processes and accurate observation keep you in the picture.

Global networking of the bank sector and the insurance industry did not stop the world banking crisis or protect us from the consequences of the world economic crisis.

Recognition by companies of risk and hazard in the supply chain is fundamental to economic success. 

Find out how to detect risk in time by clicking on risk management in the Consultancy Section or by meeting us at your site.

Moving the markets, accelerating economic growth – new directions for logistics challenges

targets for licensees of site

Lead your investors and users to your new development site..

Public and private site licensees – it is our function to encourage, establish and promote business for you.

Businesses are aware of the increasing competition for customer favour. But business set ups and job creation is also a major challenge for towns and cities.

Find out how you can develop ideas and concepts suitable for your business premises/location and encourage new trade and businesses under Location Concepts or talk to us in person.

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